Cara Membuat Mie Gelas: Resep dan Langkah-Langkahnya


mie gelas

Indonesia is well-known for its diverse and rich culinary heritage. One of the most popular dishes that has gained immense popularity in recent years is mie gelas. Mie gelas, also known as “glass noodles” or “cellophane noodles,” is a type of noodle made from mung bean starch or various other starches. Its unique texture and translucent appearance make it a favorite dish among Indonesian cuisine lovers.

Mie gelas has a long history in Indonesia, dating back to the Chinese migration to the country in the 15th century. Over time, it has become an integral part of Indonesian cuisine, with various regional variations that cater to different tastes.

Today, mie gelas can be found in many restaurants, food stalls, and supermarkets across Indonesia. It is a versatile dish that can be served in a variety of ways, either as a main course or as a side dish. It is typically cooked with spices, vegetables, and meat, making it a nutritious and filling meal that is enjoyed by people of all ages.

Moreover, mie gelas is not only popular in Indonesia but also in other Southeast Asian countries like Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines. The dish’s widespread popularity is due to its delicious flavor, health benefits, and ease of preparation.

In this article, we’ll explore how you can make mie gelas at home and some of the most popular variations of the dish in Indonesia.

Ingredients and Equipment

Mie Gelas

Javanese cuisine lovers must have known about Mie Gelas. It is a type of noodle from Central Java that has a fairly thick texture and is less elastic than other types of noodles. The texture of Mie Gelas is similar to glass, hence the name “gelas” which means glass in the Indonesian language. With a unique texture, this noodle can be boiled, fried, or stir-fried with various toppings. Now, let’s check out the ingredients and equipment needed to make Mie gelas at home.

List of Ingredients

The key ingredient needed for making Mie Gelas is all-purpose wheat flour. Here is the full list of ingredients needed:

  • 500 grams of all-purpose wheat flour
  • 250 ml of water
  • 1 egg (optional)
  • 1 teaspoon of salt
  • Cornstarch or tapioca flour (optional)

By using wheat flour with a high gluten content, you can get Mie Gelas with an elastic texture. You can also add an egg to the dough to make the noodle more nutritious and soft. Cornstarch or tapioca flour should be added to the dough if you prefer a chewier texture.

List of Equipment

To make Mie Gelas, you don’t need any special equipment. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • A large mixing bowl
  • A rolling pin
  • A sharp knife or pizza cutter
  • A wooden chopping board or any non-stick surface
  • A pot or a wok for boiling the noodles
  • A colander or a large sieve to drain the noodles

A large mixing bowl is needed to mix and knead the dough. A rolling pin is used to flatten and stretch the dough to the desired thickness. A sharp knife or pizza cutter is needed to cut the dough into thin strips. A wooden chopping board is recommended as it prevents the dough from sticking. A pot or a wok is needed to boil the noodles, and a colander or a large sieve is necessary for draining the noodles after boiling.

With all of these ingredients and equipment ready, you can start making Mie Gelas at home and taste the authentic flavors of Javanese cuisine. Go ahead and give it a try!

Step 1: Gather the Ingredients

Indonesian food Ingredients

Mie gelas is a unique type of noodle dish that is made from scratch and requires a number of ingredients. Some of the key ingredients that you will need to make mie gelas include wheat flour, salt, eggs, water, and tapioca flour. Additionally, you will need a rolling pin, a noodle maker, and a pot of boiling water.

Step 2: Make the Noodle Dough

noodle dough

To make the mie gelas noodles, you will need to first make the dough. Begin by combining the wheat flour, salt, eggs, and water in a large mixing bowl. Mix the ingredients together until they form a smooth and consistent dough. Then, add the tapioca flour to the mix and continue to knead the dough until it becomes slightly sticky but still pliable.

Step 3: Shape the Noodles

shaping noodles

Once you’ve made the noodle dough, your next step is to shape the noodles. You can do this by using a noodle maker or by rolling the dough out with a rolling pin and cutting it into thin strips. If you decide to use a noodle maker, simply feed the dough through the machine and use the appropriate noodle cutter attachment to create your desired thickness. If you opt for rolling and cutting the noodles manually, flour the surface and roll the dough out into a long, thin sheet. Then, use a sharp knife or pizza cutter to cut the dough into thin strips.

After you’ve cut the noodles into thin strips, let them dry for about 30 minutes. This will help the noodles become firmer and more resilient when they are boiled later.

Step 4: Boil the Noodles

Boiling water for noodles

With your noodles shaped and dried, you are now ready to boil them. In a large pot or saucepan, bring plenty of water to a rolling boil. Then, add the noodles to the pot and cook them for two to three minutes, stirring occasionally. Once they are cooked to your desired texture, remove the noodles from the pot using a slotted spoon or strainer and rinse them with cool water to stop the cooking process.

Step 5: Enjoy your Mie Gelas

Picture of Mie Gelas

With your mie gelas noodles boiled and cooked, you are now ready to enjoy your homemade noodles with your favorite sauce or toppings. You can opt for traditional Indonesian staples like sambal, kecap manis or bumbu kacang or try something new like American style spaghetti sauce or Chinese-inspired Zha Jiang sauce. The possibilities are endless, so experiment and enjoy your delicious mie gelas creation!

Seasoning Tips and Tricks for Mie Gelas

Mie Gelas seasoning

If you want to elevate the taste of your mie gelas, you need to get the seasoning right. Here are some tips and tricks to help you with it:

1. Use quality ingredients

Since mie gelas is a simple recipe, the quality of each ingredient can significantly impact the overall taste of the dish. Go for fresh vegetables and herbs, high-quality oils, and spices without additives or preservatives to bring out the flavors of each ingredient.

2. Don’t be afraid to experiment with spices

If you want to spice up your mie gelas, don’t hesitate to experiment with different blends of spices. Cumin, coriander, paprika, fennel seeds, and cardamom are some of the spices you can use to boost the flavor profile of the dish.

3. Balance the flavors

Make sure that your seasoning blend is not too salty, sweet, sour, or spicy. Instead, aim to create a balance between these elements to enhance the natural taste of your mie gelas. Taste and adjust the seasoning accordingly to achieve the perfect balance.

4. Add umami ingredients

Umami is the fifth flavor that gives dishes a savory, meaty, or satisfying taste. To add umami to your mie gelas, you can use ingredients such as soy sauce, miso paste, fish sauce, tomato paste, or mushrooms.

5. Use a splash of acid

A small amount of acid can brighten up the flavors of your mie gelas and cut through the richness of the sauce. Lime or lemon juice, vinegar, or tamarind can be used to add a tangy and refreshing note to the dish.

Presentation Tips and Tricks for Mie Gelas

Mie Gelas presentation

When it comes to food, presentation matters as much as taste. Here are some tips and tricks to present your mie gelas beautifully:

1. Arrange the toppings symmetrically

The toppings on your mie gelas should be arranged symmetrically to create a visual appeal. Cut the vegetables into the same size and shape, and place them on the noodles in a neat and orderly fashion. You can use a fork or chopsticks to create patterns on the toppings.

2. Use contrasting colors

Colors play a significant role in food presentation. When plating your mie gelas, use contrasting colors to make it look visually appealing. For instance, you can use green vegetables with red chilies or orange carrots with green onions.

3. Garnish with herbs

Garnishing your mie gelas with fresh herbs not only adds color but also accentuates the flavors. Coriander, basil, parsley, or mint can be used as garnishes to make your dish look and taste refreshing.

4. Serve in glass bowls

Mie gelas means “glass noodles” in Indonesian, and it’s called that because of its translucency. To showcase the beauty of the noodles, serve your mie gelas in transparent glass bowls. They not only look visually appealing but also add a modern touch to your dish.

5. Don’t overdo it

While presentation is important, don’t overdo it. Keep the plating simple, elegant, and clean. The toppings and garnishes should not overpower the taste of the mie gelas. Remember, less is often more!


Gorengan Mie Gelas Vegetarian

Mie gelas is one of Indonesia’s favourite snack foods, which is widely sold in various locations. This dish is generally made from noodles that are fried until crispy and served with various toppings to enhance the flavour. To make it even more exciting, you can try out different variations of mie gelas. Therefore, this article offers some unique ideas for you to try. Whether you prefer spicy or vegetarian options, there is something for everyone.

Spicy Mie Gelas

Spicy Mie Gelas

If you love spicy food, then you must try spicy mie gelas. This variation adds various spicy seasonings to the mie gelas, such as chilli, pepper, and garlic. The combination of these spices with the crispy noodles provides a different level of savoury experience. You can also add some vegetables, such as herbs, onions and carrots to create a balanced healthy dish.

Vegetarian Mie Gelas

Mie Gelas Vegetarian

For vegetarians, it can be difficult to find a suitable mie gelas because usually it contains meat or seafood. However, by substituting meat with vegetables, you can create a delicious vegetarian mie gelas. The most popular options are mushrooms, corn, carrots and spinach. These vegetables provide a balanced taste and texture to your dish. You can also add more spicy seasonings to create a spicier version of vegetarian mie gelas.

Seafood Mie Gelas

Seafood Mie Gelas

For seafood lovers, you can try seafood mie gelas. As the name implies, this mie gelas uses various seafood as the main ingredient, such as shrimp, squid, and crab sticks. The seafood is cooked together with the noodle, so the flavours blend into each other. You can also add some vegetables or spicy seasonings to make it more enjoyable.

Cheese Mie Gelas

Cheese Mie Gelas

If you prefer something different and unique, try cheese mie gelas. This mie gelas uses melted cheese as a topping, which will delight your taste buds. The cheese is melted over crispy mie gelas, creating a savoury and delightful combination. You can also add some vegetables or seasonings to balance the taste.

Sweet Mie Gelas

Sweet Mie Gelas

For those with a sweet tooth, sweet mie gelas is the perfect option. This variation uses sugar and condensed milk as toppings, creating a sweet and tasty mie gelas. You can also add some fruit, such as strawberry, banana, or mango, to add a fresh and healthy twist.

In conclusion, mie gelas is a versatile dish that can be easily modified and suited to your preferences. Whether you prefer spicy, vegetarian, seafood, cheese, or sweet variations, there is always an option for you to enjoy.


Mie Gelas Indonesia

The popularity of mie gelas in Indonesian cuisine is undeniable. This dish has become a staple in households across the country and has even made its way into popular street food markets. It’s no surprise that the versatility of mie gelas has made it a fan favorite for all ages.

Made with simple ingredients and easy to cook, mie gelas is the perfect dish for those who are new to cooking or want to prepare a quick meal. Its flexibility allows for endless possibilities and experimentation in the kitchen. Add chicken, beef, or even seafood, the choice is yours.

One of the best things about mie gelas is its ability to be customized to each person’s taste. Want it spicy? Add more chili sauce. Prefer it sweet? Add some sugar. Want to make it vegetarian? Just remove the meat and substitute with vegetables. The options are endless.

We encourage our readers to take a shot at making their own mie gelas at home. Not only is it an easy and delicious meal, but it also allows for creativity and experimentation in the kitchen. Share your creations with family and friends and watch as they become fans of the dish as well.

As with any dish, there may be variations across regions and households. Some may prefer it more saucy, while others may want it drier. Regardless of the variations, the heart of mie gelas remains the same – a comforting and fulfilling meal that has become a beloved part of Indonesian cuisine.

In conclusion, mie gelas is a must-try dish for anyone visiting or living in Indonesia. Its simplicity, flexibility, and delicious taste make it a perfect meal for any occasion. We hope that our readers are encouraged to give it a try and add it to their repertoire of go-to dishes.
